PET / CT indications
A. Oncology
- Staging the malignant Cancers that have treatment (Small Cell Lung Cancer)
- check for malignant cancers before initiating treatments (GIST)
- check for suspicious masses (Solitary Pul. Nodule)
- check the response of cancer masses to the treatment (lymphoma, head and neck tumors)
- check for the recurrence or the presence of any remaining cancerogenic masses after treatment (lymphoma, seminoma)
- Determine the prognosis in cancer patients (lymphoma, head and neck tumors)
- Determine the therapeutic strategy (esophageal cancer)
- Sampling guidance (pleural biopsy in mesothelium or lung biopsy in lung cancers)
- Helping in the designing of radiation therapy (lung caners, womens associated cancers)
- Finding the hidden source of metastases (head and neck cancers)
- Confirm the Transformation of low malignancy tumors to malignancies with a high-grade malignancy
- Differentiation between “irradiation-induced necrosis” from “tumor recurrence” (brain cancers)
- Early detection of some cancers before other imaging methods can ,such as CT or MRI scan (breast cancer, colon, and lung)
B. Cardiology
- Evaluation of myocardial viability after myocardial infarction
- Investigate myocardial inflammatory diseases (sarcoidosis)
C. Neurology
- check for Cognitive Disease (Alzheimer’s, Pique)
- check for brain tumors
- locate the origin of epilepsy
- check for motor disorders
D. Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases
- Osteomyelitis
- Check fevers with unknown origin
- Investigate the infection in cardiac, vascular and bone Prosthesis